A Week Later...

In an alternate reality, I was scheduled to fly out to Tokyo this morning at 11 am. In our present reality, the residents of the Tokoku region are struggling to bring things back to normal. The Fukushima reactor cooling is getting the most coverage here in the United States, but will likely have limited impact on human life, versus the fight to get a steady amount of water, food and supplies into an area where there are limited options for transportation right now.

Please continue to send your prayers, thoughts and well wishes for those in the region.

I did this on my twitter feed, but here are the folks that kept me informed of the latest news out in Japan:

(Regular tweeps)
@ @ @ @ @ @

(News tweeps)
@ @ @ @ @ @ @

(Government tweeps)
@ @ @ @

Here are some more links for you to look over:

(A bit more information on the struggle to get aid into the area)

(Understanding the radioactivity in Fukushima - a presentation)

(A good perspective from someone living in Japan)

(Six profiles of tweeters who kept English language folks in the know)

(The story behind some of the happier stories from earlier in the week)