Ferguson - A Matter of Trust

After 108 days, tonight will mark the hopeful beginning of the healing process for the community of Ferguson. The Ferguson grand jury has made a decision in whether to pursue a criminal indictment of Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown. 

No matter where you stand on this, tonight's response to the decision will come down to a matter of trust. 

Does the community trust that the grand jury was impartial, fair and thorough in its decision? 

Does local and state law enforcement trust that people will peacefully express their freedom of speech, no matter the result, no matter the presence of the National Guard? 

Does anyone trust the decision making process that allowed the announcement to be made at night? Low light and visibility appears to favor those that will abuse their rights to protect or protest under the cover of darkness and the shadows of chaos. 

I hope and pray for the best. I still trust that people feel the same as I do. 

-- wake.eat.sleep